The following are characteristics of fad diets: Choose all that apply (1 point) Responses weight loss is made easy weight loss is made easy promise quick results promise quick results offer good lifestyle changes to keep the weight off. offer good lifestyle changes to keep the weight off. temporary results temporary results

temporary results

promise quick results
weight loss is made easy

The characteristics of fad diets include:

- Promise quick results
- Offer good lifestyle changes to keep the weight off
- Temporary results

Weight loss being made easy is not necessarily a characteristic of fad diets as they often come with restrictive and unsustainable eating patterns.

To determine the characteristics of fad diets, let's analyze each statement:

1. Weight loss is made easy: This statement can be true for some fad diets, as they often claim to have a simple solution for weight loss. However, it is important to note that sustainable weight loss usually requires a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and other lifestyle changes.

2. Promise quick results: Yes, this is a common characteristic of fad diets. They often guarantee rapid weight loss without mentioning potential health risks or sustainability.

3. Offer good lifestyle changes to keep the weight off: This statement is generally false for fad diets. Most fad diets focus solely on short-term weight loss and do not promote long-term lifestyle changes.

4. Temporary results: Yes, temporary results are an inherent feature of fad diets. People might experience quick weight loss initially, but the weight tends to come back once they stop following the unsustainable diet.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct characteristics of fad diets are: Promise quick results and temporary results.