What is the TRAGIC FLAW of the tragic hero of the Crucible? What problem do they have that is a part of their character (so not a sin, technically) that causes them to make decisions that lead to their downfall?

The tragic flaw of the tragic hero in The Crucible, John Proctor, is his pride. Proctor is a well-meaning individual who strives to do what is moral and just. However, he refuses to create a false confession to save his own life, as he values his integrity and reputation above all else. This pride and refusal to compromise his principles ultimately lead him to make decisions that contribute to his downfall. Despite being aware of the corruption and injustice within the Salem witch trials, Proctor's pride prevents him from taking a more active stand against the hysteria until it is too late. His pride also prevents him from publicly exposing his affair with Abigail Williams, which fuels her accusations against his wife and escalates the witch trials. Proctor's tragic flaw, his pride, ultimately leads to his arrest, conviction, and eventual execution.

The tragic flaw of the tragic hero in The Crucible is their excessive pride. This flaw is seen in John Proctor, the protagonist of the play, who carries a prideful nature that creates a barrier to admitting his own mistakes and taking responsibility for his actions. Proctor's pride clouds his judgment and prevents him from acknowledging the truth, ultimately leading to his downfall.

The tragic flaw of the tragic hero in The Crucible, John Proctor, is his internal struggle with his own pride and integrity. This flaw is a part of his character and drives his actions throughout the play, ultimately leading to his downfall.

To understand John Proctor's tragic flaw, it is essential to read and analyze Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. By closely studying the text, you will uncover the various instances where Proctor's pride and integrity influence his decisions and contribute to his downfall.

To start, read the play thoroughly and pay attention to Proctor's interactions with other characters. Look for moments when he exhibits a stubborn desire to protect his reputation and preserve his image as an honorable and respected man in the community. These instances will provide insight into Proctor's character and how his pride shapes his behavior.

You can also examine Proctor's motivation throughout the play. Observe his actions as he navigates the Salem Witch Trials and attempts to expose the truth while preserving his own integrity. Analyze how his pride influences his decisions, causes him to make choices that are detrimental to himself and others, and ultimately leads to his tragic downfall.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to explore specific scenes where Proctor's pride clashes with the values of the community and the authority figures. Look for moments when he resists conforming to the demands of those in power and how this defiance stems from his own pride and determination to do what he believes is right.

By studying the text and identifying Proctor's pride as his tragic flaw, you will gain a deeper understanding of his character and how it drives his decisions throughout the play, ultimately leading to his downfall.