Which significant challenge does Japan face today? (1 point) Responses lack of specialization lack of specialization unskilled workforce unskilled workforce scarcity of natural resources scarcity of natural resources too few trade partners

scarcity of natural resources

The significant challenge that Japan faces today is the scarcity of natural resources.

Japan faces the significant challenge of a scarcity of natural resources. To arrive at this answer, we can consider Japan's geographic location and its limited access to natural resources within its own territory.

To begin with, Japan is an island nation located in the Pacific Ocean. Its land area is limited, meaning it has fewer natural resources available compared to larger countries with vast landmasses. Additionally, Japan does not have significant reserves of resources such as oil, natural gas, or minerals within its borders.

As a result, Japan heavily relies on imports to meet its resource needs. This poses a challenge because it means Japan is exposed to potential disruptions in supply chains and fluctuations in prices on the global market. Furthermore, being dependent on other countries for essential resources can also negatively impact Japan's economic and geopolitical stability.

To mitigate this challenge, Japan has addressed its scarcity of natural resources in several ways. First, it has focused on developing advanced technologies to efficiently utilize resources and promote sustainability. For example, Japan has invested heavily in energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Second, Japan has fostered strong trade relationships with resource-rich countries to ensure a stable supply of key resources. Through trade agreements and diplomatic efforts, Japan has secured access to resources like oil, coal, and rare earth minerals.

In summary, Japan faces the significant challenge of a scarcity of natural resources due to its limited land area and lack of domestic reserves. This challenge necessitates strategic measures to promote resource efficiency, sustainable practices, and secure trade partnerships to ensure a stable supply of essential resources.