K Cl + Na I → KI + NaCl

a. Double Replacement
b. Single Replacement
c. Decomposition
d. Combustion
e. Synthesis

a. Double Replacement

The given chemical equation is:

KCl + NaI → KI + NaCl

Based on the reaction type, we can determine the answer:

a. Double Replacement: In a double replacement reaction, the positive and negative ions from two ionic compounds switch places. However, in this equation, the cations (K, Na) and anions (Cl, I) remain attached to the same elements on both sides of the equation. So, it is not a double replacement reaction.

b. Single Replacement: In a single replacement reaction, an element replaces another element in a compound. In this equation, we don't see any single element replacing another element in a compound. Therefore, it is not a single replacement reaction.

c. Decomposition: In a decomposition reaction, a compound breaks down into simpler substances. However, in this equation, we don't see the breaking down of any compound into simpler substances. So, it is not a decomposition reaction.

d. Combustion: In a combustion reaction, a substance reacts with oxygen, typically producing carbon dioxide and water. There is no sign of oxygen or the production of carbon dioxide and water in this equation, so it is not a combustion reaction.

e. Synthesis: In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances combine to form a more complex substance. In this case, KCl and NaI are combining to form KI and NaCl. Therefore, the reaction is a synthesis reaction.

Therefore, the answer is: e. Synthesis

To determine the type of reaction that occurs in the given chemical equation, we need to understand the different types of reactions and analyze the equation accordingly.

a. Double Replacement reaction, also known as a metathesis reaction, occurs when two compounds exchange ions or elements to form two new compounds. This type of reaction is also known as a double displacement reaction. In the given equation, KCl and NaI exchange ions to form KI and NaCl. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Double Replacement.

b. Single Replacement reaction, also known as a substitution reaction, occurs when an element reacts with a compound and substitutes one of the elements in the compound. In the given equation, there is no element that is replacing another element in a compound. Therefore, the answer is not (b) Single Replacement.

c. Decomposition reaction occurs when a compound breaks down into its constituent elements or simpler compounds. In the given equation, there is no compound breaking down. Therefore, the answer is not (c) Decomposition.

d. Combustion reaction occurs when a compound reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. In the given equation, there is no presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide, or water. Therefore, the answer is not (d) Combustion.

e. Synthesis reaction, also known as a combination reaction, occurs when two or more substances combine to form a single compound. In the given equation, we can see that KCl and NaI react to form KI and NaCl. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Double Replacement, not (e) Synthesis.

Thus, based on the analysis, the correct answer is (a) Double Replacement.