How to say "what day is tommorow" in japanese hiragana.


Hiragana: あしたは なん ようび です か。

To say "what day is tomorrow" in Japanese using hiragana, you can say:

(Hiragana: あしたは、なんにちですか)

Here's the breakdown of each hiragana character:
- あ (a) [pronounced as "ah"]
- し (shi) [pronounced as "shee"]
- た (ta) [pronounced as "tah"]
- は (ha) [pronounced as "hah"]
- 、 (comma)
- なん (nan) [pronounced as "nahn"]
- にち (nichi) [pronounced as "nee-chee"]
- です (desu) [is, to be]
- か (ka) [question particle].

Put together, it reads as "Ashita wa, nan-nichi desu ka," meaning "What day is tomorrow?"

To say "What day is tomorrow?" in Japanese hiragana, you can use the following phrase:


Here's a breakdown of the hiragana characters:

あした (ashita) - Tomorrow
は (wa) - Particle used to indicate the subject of the sentence
なん (nan) - What
ようび (youbi) - Day of the week
ですか (desu ka) - Question marker

Please note that hiragana is a phonetic script used in Japanese to represent the sounds of the language. The phrase provided is written in hiragana, but you may also see this question written in kanji or a combination of kanji and hiragana.