Which significant challenge does Japan face today?

lack of specialization
unskilled workforce
scarcity of natural resources
too few trade partners

scarcity of natural resources

The significant challenge that Japan faces today is the scarcity of natural resources. Japan is well-known for its limited access to natural resources such as oil, natural gas, and minerals. This scarcity forces Japan to heavily rely on imports to meet its energy and resource needs. It poses a challenge for the economy and national security of Japan as it needs to strategically manage its resources and secure stable supply chains to sustain its industrial production and economic growth.

The significant challenge that Japan faces today is scarcity of natural resources. To understand why this is a challenge, we need to understand Japan's geographical and economic context.

Japan is an island nation in East Asia with limited natural resources. It lacks abundant reserves of minerals, energy, and other raw materials like oil, natural gas, and metals. This scarcity forces Japan to heavily rely on imports to meet its domestic demands.

To verify this challenge, we can consult credible sources such as government reports, economic publications, and academic research. Some reliable sources to consider include the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), or research articles from reputable journals focusing on Japanese economy.

These sources provide valuable insights into Japan's resource dependency and how it affects the country's economy, industrial development, and overall competitiveness. They may also explore the strategies that Japan adopts to address this challenge, such as diversifying energy sources, implementing resource conservation measures, or seeking international cooperation for resource procurement.

By referring to reputable sources, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the scarcity of natural resources as a significant challenge faced by Japan today.