How did this trade network affect the civilizations who were involved in it?


It led the leaders of their governments to establish isolationist policies.


It provided them access to resources not available in their environments.


It contributed to the rapid decline of their economies.


It helped to protect them from the spread of disease.


It provided them access to resources not available in their environments.

B. It provided them access to resources not available in their environments.

To determine how the trade network affected the civilizations involved in it, we can examine each answer choice and see if it aligns with the historical impact of trade networks.

A. It led the leaders of their governments to establish isolationist policies: This answer suggests that the trade network prompted the civilizations to become isolated from other nations. However, trade networks typically encourage interaction and exchange with other civilizations, so this choice is less likely to be correct.

B. It provided them access to resources not available in their environments: This choice implies that the trade network allowed the civilizations to access resources that they lacked in their own regions, which is a common outcome of trade networks. Trade often brings new goods, technologies, and resources, so this is a potential correct answer.

C. It contributed to the rapid decline of their economies: This choice suggests that the trade network had a negative impact on the civilizations' economies, causing them to decline. However, trade networks are typically associated with economic growth, as they facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Therefore, this choice is unlikely to be correct.

D. It helped to protect them from the spread of disease: This answer claims that the trade network played a role in protecting the civilizations from the spread of disease. While trade can sometimes lead to the spread of diseases, it is less likely to be a primary effect of the trade network. Therefore, this choice is less likely to be correct.

Based on the analysis, option B, "It provided them access to resources not available in their environments," seems to be the most accurate answer. Trade networks historically help civilizations gain access to goods and resources that are not naturally available in their regions, promoting economic growth and cultural exchange.