If $850 is deducted each month for 12 months from your checking account to pay your mortgage, what impact will it have on your checking account balance?

A $10,200$10,200
B $850$850
C -$10,200-$10,200
D -$850

The correct response is: C -$10,200-$10,200

How much pizza will each person get if 4 people share 3/4 of a pizza equally?

A 1/3
B 1/4
C 1/6
D 3/16

The correct response is: B 1/4

Convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division.

A 0.720.72
B 1.381.38
C 3.723.72
D 3.85

To convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, we follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the whole number (3) by the denominator (25):
3 ÷ 25 = 0.12 (quotient)

Step 2: Multiply the remainder (18) by 100 (to move the decimal point two places to the right):
18 × 100 = 1800 (new dividend)

Step 3: Divide the new dividend (1800) by the denominator (25):
1800 ÷ 25 = 72 (quotient)

Step 4: Combine the quotient from Step 1 (0.12) and the quotient from Step 3 (72):
0.12 + 72 = 72.12

Therefore, 3 18/25 as a decimal using long division is 72.12.

The correct response is: C 72.12

What is the quotient of −920 divided by 40? Which integer rule determines the sign of the quotient?

A 23; The quotient of integers with unlike signs is positive.23; The quotient of integers with unlike signs is positive.
B −23; The quotient of integers with unlike signs is negative.−23; The quotient of integers with unlike signs is negative.
C 23; The sign of the quotient of integers with unlike signs is the sign of the number with the greater value.23; The sign of the quotient of integers with unlike signs is the sign of the number with the greater value.
D −23; The sign of the quotient of integers with unlike signs is the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

To find the quotient of -920 divided by 40, we divide the absolute values of the numbers and then determine the sign.

|-920| ÷ |40| = 23

Since -920 and 40 have unlike signs, the quotient is negative.

Therefore, the correct response is B −23; The quotient of integers with unlike signs is negative.

Stan owns 45 of an acre of land. Of that, 2/3 of the land is fenced. How many acres of land is fenced?

A 1/3
B 2//3
C 2/9
D 6/15
E 8/15

To find out how many acres of land are fenced, we need to calculate 2/3 of 45 acres.

2/3 * 45 = (2/3) * (45/1) = (2*45)/(3*1) = 90/3 = 30

Therefore, 30 acres of land are fenced.

The correct response is not listed.

What is 7/8 ÷ 2?