The point P has coordinates (8, 9). In which quadrant does point P lie?

first quadrant
second quadrant
third quadrant
fourth quadrant

Point P lies in the first quadrant.

Point P, with coordinates (8, 9), lies in the first quadrant.

To determine in which quadrant the point P lies, you need to know the signs of its coordinates. The x-coordinate represents the position of the point along the horizontal axis, while the y-coordinate represents its position along the vertical axis.

In this case, the point P has coordinates (8, 9). Since both coordinates are positive, it means that the point P lies in the first quadrant.

To visualize this, imagine a graph with the x-axis and y-axis intersecting at the origin (0, 0). The first quadrant is located in the upper right portion of the graph, where both the x and y values are positive.