in 1-2 sentences compare how the approach of european colonization in asia and africia was similar

The approach of European colonization in Asia and Africa was similar in that both regions were viewed as sources of resources and wealth by European powers, leading to the establishment of colonies for exploitation and control.

The European colonization approach in both Asia and Africa involved a combination of military conquest, economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, and establishment of political control.

The approach of European colonization in Asia and Africa was similar in that both regions were subject to territorial conquest, exploitation of resources, and establishment of colonial administrations, often resulting in significant political, economic, and social transformation.

To learn more about the similarities between European colonization in Asia and Africa, you could start by researching the historical accounts of European powers' colonization efforts in these regions. Look for academic sources, books, and articles that discuss the motivations, strategies, and impact of colonization in Asia and Africa. Additionally, examining primary sources such as historical documents, letters, and maps will provide valuable insights into the colonial experience in these continents.