Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

Each type of text has a purpose for the reader. If you were looking to research penguins, what type of text would you utilize?
(1 point)






How is functional text useful in everyday life?

(1 point)

It provides entertainment.
It provides entertainment.

It helps you research information.
It helps you research information.

It provides information to aid task performance.
It provides information to aid task performance.

It persuades the reader to think a certain

Dialogue is not a characteristic of functional text because

(1 point)

dialogue requires a task to be completed.
dialogue requires a task to be completed.

dialogue is speech between characters, and there are no characters in functional text.
dialogue is speech between characters, and there are no characters in functional text.

dialogue provides information to the reader.
dialogue provides information to the reader.

dialogue is not important in a story.
dialogue is not important in a story.

dialogue is speech between characters, and there are no characters in functional text.

If you were looking to research penguins, the best type of text to utilize would be textual.

To answer this question, you need to understand the purpose of different types of texts. The question asks what type of text you would utilize if you were looking to research penguins. To find the best answer, you need to think about the type of text that would provide reliable and informative information about penguins.

1. Textual: This refers to texts that are written in a traditional printed format, such as books, articles, or journals. These texts often contain extensive information and are commonly used for research purposes.

2. Functional: Functional texts are practical texts that serve a specific purpose, like instructions, manuals, or guides. While these texts might contain information about penguins, they are more focused on providing guidance or assistance in performing a task, rather than extensive research.

3. Recreational: Recreational texts are intended for entertainment and leisure purposes, like novels, stories, or poems. They are not suitable for extensive research purposes, as their main goal is to provide enjoyment rather than factual information.

4. Digital: Digital texts refer to information that is available online, such as websites, online articles, or databases. These texts are often a valuable resource for research, as they can provide up-to-date information and access to a wide range of sources.

Given that you are looking to research penguins, the most suitable type of text to utilize would be "textual" because it is designed for research purposes and provides extensive information.
