
Based on the following quotation, what is the point of view of the story "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant"?

"There was a summer in my life when the only creature that seemed lovelier to me than a largemouth bass was Sheila Mant."

(1 point)

first-person point of view

third-person limited point of view

second-person point of view

third-person omniscient point of view

first-person point of view

The chapter from "I know why the caged bird sings" focuses on what important event in the narrator's life?(1 point)


her high school graduation

her wedding

her first date

her 8th grade graduation

her eighth-grade graduation

What two things does the narrator in "The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant" have to choose between?(1 point)


which girl he is going to ask out

going on a date or doing his homework

playing volleyball or joining the rowing team

catching a fish or impressing his date

catching a fish or impressing his date

Which of the following is the best theme for "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant"?(1 point)


Teenagers shouldn't date until they are at least 16 years old.

Growing up can be difficult and painful.

A person shouldn't change who they are to impress others.

Fishing is gross.

A person shouldn't change who they are to impress others.

What is the role of the nervous system in digestion?(1 point)


to provide enzymes

to provide oxygen

to provide passage of nutrients throughout the body

to provide electrical signals to initiate peristalsis

to provide electrical signals to initiate peristalsis

Where does most of the absorption of nutrients occur?(1 point)


large intestine

small itestine

