The pictures below show a plant called a Venus flytrap catching a worm.


What causes the Venus flytrap to close so it can catch a worm?


c) touch

The Venus flytrap closes in order to catch a worm primarily due to option c, touch. When the sensitive trigger hairs on the inner surface of the trap are stimulated by an object, such as a crawling insect, the trap quickly closes in response.

The Venus flytrap closes to catch a worm due to the sense of touch.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you can observe the pictures provided and look for clues in the behavior of the Venus flytrap. By examining the pictures, you can see that a worm has entered into the "trap" structure of the Venus flytrap. This triggers the mechanism causing the plant to close its leaves around the worm.

From the given options, you can then narrow down the possibilities. Since the Venus flytrap responds to the presence of the worm physically interacting with it, you can eliminate options like taste, gravity, and light. These factors don't play a direct role in triggering the closure of the plant.

Therefore, by logical deduction, the correct answer is option c: touch.