Viruses reproduce through the use of host cells. In this process, viruses reproduce by injecting their DNA into the host cell and using the cell's structures to create copies of itself.

After numerous copies are made, the host cell bursts and the new viruses are released. Depending on the type of virus and the host cell, hundreds or thousands of viruses can be released in this burst. These viruses then go on to reproduce through new host cells.

Bacteria, however, reproduce using binary fission. In this process, a bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells. In favorable conditions, bacteria can divide once every 20 minutes. This means that a single bacterium can turn into a colony of over a billion bacteria in about ten hours.

Which statement correctly compares viral and bacterial reproduction?

Both viruses and bacteria must destroy themselves after they have reproduced.
Both viruses and bacteria can create large populations in a short time period.
Both viruses and bacteria must have very large populations in order to reproduce.
Both viruses and bacteria can reproduce without the help of other organisms.


Both viruses and bacteria can create large populations in a short time period.


Both viruses and bacteria can create large populations in a short time period.

The correct statement that compares viral and bacterial reproduction is option b: Both viruses and bacteria can create large populations in a short time period.

Viruses and bacteria both have the ability to reproduce rapidly, resulting in the creation of large populations in a short period of time. However, there are some differences in the ways they achieve this.

Viruses rely on host cells to replicate. They inject their genetic material into a host cell and take over the cell's machinery to produce new viral particles. The new viruses are then released when the host cell bursts, and they can go on to infect other host cells. Although viruses do not reproduce on their own and rely on host cells, they can still create large populations by infecting many host cells.

On the other hand, bacteria reproduce through a process called binary fission. This is a method of asexual reproduction in which a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell can then continue to grow and divide independently, leading to a rapid increase in the bacterial population. Bacteria can reproduce without the need for other organisms, as they have all the necessary cellular machinery for replication.