Which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in the sentence?

I'm sorry, but without the sentence provided, I cannot determine the antecedent that agrees with the pronoun. Could you please provide the sentence so I can assist you further?

To determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in a sentence, you need to identify the pronoun and then find the noun or noun phrase that it refers to (i.e., its antecedent). The antecedent should match the pronoun in terms of number and gender.

For example, in the sentence "John is tired because he worked all day," the pronoun "he" refers back to the noun "John." Both "he" and "John" are singular and masculine, so they agree.

In another example, "The girls painted their nails before going out," the pronoun "their" refers back to the noun "girls." Both "their" and "girls" are plural and feminine, so they agree.

It is important to note that sometimes the antecedent may be in a previous sentence or located further away in the same sentence. When encountering pronouns, make sure to identify their antecedents correctly for agreement.

To determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in a sentence, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the pronoun in the sentence. Pronouns are words that replace nouns or noun phrases. Examples of pronouns include he, she, it, they, we, you, etc.

Step 2: Identify the antecedents in the sentence. Antecedents are the nouns (or noun phrases) that the pronoun refers to. They usually appear before the pronoun in the sentence.

Step 3: Check for agreement between the pronoun and its antecedent in terms of number and gender.

- Number agreement: If the pronoun is singular, the antecedent should be singular as well. Similarly, if the pronoun is plural, the antecedent should be plural.

- Gender agreement: If the pronoun has a specific gender (e.g., he, she), the antecedent should match the gender of the pronoun.

By following these steps and considering the context of the sentence, you can determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in question.