is this a primary of secondary According to John Kinnamos, a Byzantine historian,

saw the Seljuk Turks invade the Byzantine Empire. In
his history book, he said that the Byzantine Empire
was very scared when this happened, like a big storm
suddenly hitting them from the North. Kinnamos also
talked about how the Seljuks destroyed everything by
stealing and damaging the cities and countryside.
They even killed and hurt both important people and
regular people.

The passage you provided is a secondary source. It is a statement made by John Kinnamos, a Byzantine historian, who is relaying information about the Seljuk Turks' invasion of the Byzantine Empire from his history book.

The passage you provided is a primary source. A primary source is a firsthand account or original document created during the time period being studied. In this case, John Kinnamos' history book is a firsthand account of the Seljuk Turks invading the Byzantine Empire. It provides direct insight into the events, perceptions, and experiences of that time.

Based on the provided information, this passage can be considered a secondary source.

A primary source typically refers to first-hand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied. In this case, John Kinnamos is a Byzantine historian who wrote about the events that took place. Although Kinnamos may have personally witnessed or experienced some of the events, the passage itself is a retelling or interpretation of those events rather than a direct account.

As a Byzantine historian, Kinnamos likely gathered information from various sources, including eyewitness accounts, official records, and earlier historical works. He then synthesized and analyzed this information to provide his own perspective on the Seljuk Turks' invasion of the Byzantine Empire.