Which of the following did the Greeks adopt from the Phoenicians? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

idea of democracy

idea of democracy

writing system

writing system

weights and measures

weights and measures

iron weapons

iron weapons


The two correct answers are:

- Writing system
- weights and measures

The Greeks adopted the following from the Phoenicians:

1. Writing system
2. weights and measures

To determine which of the options the Greeks adopted from the Phoenicians, we need to examine each option and see if there is historical evidence of adoption. Let's go through each option:

1. Idea of democracy: The idea of democracy, particularly in the form of direct democracy, originated in ancient Athens, Greece. There is no evidence to suggest that the Greeks adopted this concept from the Phoenicians.

2. Writing system: The Greeks did adopt their writing system, known as the Greek alphabet, from the Phoenicians. The Phoenician writing system, known as the Phoenician alphabet, was modified by the Greeks to create their own unique alphabet.

3. Weights and measures: The Greeks had their own system of weights and measures, independent of the Phoenicians. There is no evidence to suggest that the Greeks adopted their system from the Phoenicians.

4. Iron weapons: Iron weapons were not invented by the Phoenicians, but rather by other civilizations such as the Hittites. The Greeks, like many other ancient cultures, did adopt iron weapons for military purposes, but there is no specific evidence to suggest that they got them from the Phoenicians.

5. Architecture: Greek architecture, particularly the style of columns and temples that is often associated with ancient Greece, developed independently of Phoenician influence. The Greeks had their own architectural styles and techniques.

Based on this analysis, the two correct answers are:

- Writing system
- No other options, as the Greeks did not adopt any of the other listed items from the Phoenicians.