16 of 2016 of 20 Items



The graph illustrates what has happened over an 8 year period, when non-native Nile perch were introduced to Lake Malawi in Africa. Environmental factors remained the same during this period (i.e., temperature, pH, water levels, etc.) Based on the data, what recommendation would you make to African biologists?
A Remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid.Remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid.
B Remove the remaining pike cichlids, as they are competing with the Nile perch.Remove the remaining pike cichlids, as they are competing with the Nile perch.
C Reduce both fish populations, or they will starve one another out.Reduce both fish populations, or they will starve one another out.
D There is no competition between these species of fish.

Based on the data provided, the recommendation that can be made to African biologists is to remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: Remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid.

Based on the data shown in the graph, the recommendation that can be made to African biologists is:

A. Remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the graph provided which illustrates the population change of non-native Nile perch and pike cichlid in Lake Malawi over an 8-year period. We should look for patterns or trends in the data that can inform our recommendation.

First, let's analyze the data points on the graph. The x-axis represents the years, while the y-axis represents the population size. Based on the graph, it appears that the population of Nile perch steadily increases over the 8-year period, while the population of pike cichlid decreases significantly.

Next, let's interpret these trends. The increasing population of Nile perch suggests that they are thriving and potentially out-competing the pike cichlid for resources in Lake Malawi. Conversely, the decreasing population of pike cichlid indicates that they may be struggling to survive or reproduce in the presence of Nile perch.

Now that we have analyzed the graph, we can make a recommendation. Given the data, a reasonable recommendation would be:

A) Remove or reduce the Nile perch as quickly as possible, as it is clearly out-competing the pike cichlid.

This recommendation is based on the evidence provided by the graph, which suggests that the Nile perch population is growing at the expense of the pike cichlid population. By removing or reducing the Nile perch, we may be able to restore balance to the ecosystem and potentially save the pike cichlid population.