The Assyrian rulers divided their empire into 70 smaller units of government called provinces. Then they assigned a governor to each province who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler. What was the goal of this technique?

(1 point)

to keep powerful governors from competing for the throne

to keep powerful governors from competing for the throne

to keep control of distant lands

to keep control of distant lands

to encourage trade throughout the empire

to encourage trade throughout the empire

to allow provinces to become separate empires

The goal of this technique was to keep control of distant lands.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into smaller units of government called provinces and assigning governors to each province was to keep control of distant lands.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into provinces and assigning a governor to each province was to keep control of distant lands. This technique allowed the empire to more effectively govern and administer its territories that were far away from the ruling center. By appointing governors who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler, they could ensure that their authority was maintained and that the provinces remained loyal. This system also facilitated the collection of taxes and resources from the provinces, as well as the enforcement of laws and policies. Additionally, it allowed for a more efficient administration of justice and the implementation of local policies tailored to the specific needs of each province.