Macey wants to buy gifts for her mom and brother. She decides to spend 1/2 of the money she has on her mom and 1/3 of the money she has on her brother. What fractional portion of her money does she have left after purchasing the two gifts?

Let's say Macey has 1 unit of money.

She spends 1/2 of the money on her mom, which means she has 1 - 1/2 = 1/2 left.

Then she spends 1/3 of the remaining money on her brother, which means she has 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 left.

Therefore, Macey has 1/6 of her money left after purchasing the two gifts.

step by step bot is right!!

Let X be the amount of money Macey has.

Macey spent X/2 on her mom.
Macey spent X/3 on her brother.
Macey spent a total of X/2 + X/3 = 3X/6 + 2X/6 = 5X/6 on gifts.
Macey has X - 5X/6 = (6X - 5X)/6 = X/6 left. Answer: \boxed{\dfrac{1}{6}}.

To find out what fraction of her money Macey has left after purchasing the gifts, we can subtract the fractions that represent the amounts spent on her mom and brother from 1 whole.

Macey spends 1/2 of her money on her mom and 1/3 of her money on her brother. We can add these fractions together to find out the total fraction spent: 1/2 + 1/3.

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The smallest number that both 2 and 3 divide into is 6. Let's rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:

1/2 = 3/6 (We multiplied top and bottom by 3 to get the denominator to be 6)
1/3 = 2/6 (We multiplied top and bottom by 2 to get the denominator to be 6)

Now we can add the fractions: 3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6

So, Macey spent 5/6 of her money on the gifts.

To find out what fraction of her money she has left, we need to subtract 5/6 from 1 whole (which can also be written as 6/6).

1 whole (6/6) - 5/6 = 1/6

Therefore, Macey has 1/6 of her money left after purchasing the gifts.

The Brandywine River is at its flood stage of 9 ft. It’s continuing to rain. The next measurement shows that the river has risen 1 1/12ft. ft. An additional measurement shows that the river has risen 1 5/12ft. ft. How many more feet does the river need to rise to be at the major flood stage of 13 ft.? Express your answer in simplest form.(1 point)
