What kind of colors are found next to each other on the color wheel secondary complementary, intermediate, or analogous

Colors that are found next to each other on the color wheel are called analogous colors.

Colors that are found next to each other on the color wheel are called analogous colors.

To determine which colors are found next to each other on the color wheel, we need to understand the concepts of secondary, complementary, and analogous colors.

1. Secondary colors: These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together. The three secondary colors are orange (created by mixing red and yellow), green (created by mixing yellow and blue), and purple (created by mixing red and blue).

2. Complementary colors: Complementary colors are located directly across from each other on the color wheel. When paired together, they tend to create a strong contrast. For example, the complementary color of blue is orange, the complementary color of red is green, and the complementary color of yellow is purple.

3. Analogous colors: Analogous colors are located beside each other on the color wheel. They share similar qualities and tend to create a harmonious and cohesive color scheme. An example of analogous colors would be yellow, yellow-green, and green.

Based on the information provided, the colors found next to each other on the color wheel are analogous colors. They share similar hues and are usually seen together in nature or other aesthetically pleasing compositions.