Charity and Sabria both are nail artists. Charity charges $75 for a set of nails with designs and Sabria charges $70 for the same type set of nails. This week Charity made an additional $65 in tips and Sabria made an additional $95 in tips. Given that C and S represent the number of sets of nails completed by Charity (C) and Sabria (S), which expression can be used to represent their combined earnings for the week.(1 point) Responses 145CS + 160 145CS + 160 145(C + S) + 160 145(C + S) + 160 75C + 70S + 160 75C + 70S + 160 65C + 70S + 160

The correct expression to represent their combined earnings for the week is: 75C + 70S + 160.

To calculate their combined earnings for the week, we need to add the earnings from the sets of nails and the earnings from tips.

Charity charges $75 per set of nails, so her earnings from the sets of nails would be 75C.

Sabria charges $70 per set of nails, so her earnings from the sets of nails would be 70S.

Adding the earnings from the sets of nails, we get 75C + 70S.

Charity made an additional $65 in tips, so her total earnings would be 75C + 65.

Sabria made an additional $95 in tips, so her total earnings would be 70S + 95.

To represent their combined earnings, we add their total earnings: (75C + 65) + (70S + 95).

Simplifying this expression, we get 75C + 70S + 160.

Therefore, the correct expression to represent their combined earnings for the week is 75C + 70S + 160.

To calculate the combined earnings for the week, we need to find the total earnings from both Charity and Sabria's nail art services, including their base charges and tips.

Charity charges $75 for a set of nails with designs, and Sabria charges $70 for the same type of set of nails. This means that Charity will earn $75 for each set completed, while Sabria will earn $70 for each set completed.

Additionally, Charity made an extra $65 in tips, and Sabria made an extra $95 in tips.

To represent their combined earnings, we need to multiply the number of sets completed by each artist by their respective charges, and then add the total tips earned by both.

Let's use the variables C and S to represent the number of sets completed by Charity and Sabria, respectively.

The expression that represents their combined earnings for the week is:

75C + 70S + 65 + 95

Simplifying this expression further, we get:

75C + 70S + 160

Therefore, the correct expression to represent their combined earnings for the week is:

75C + 70S + 160.