Which number line best shows how to solve −4 − (−6)? (5 points)

A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to 6.

A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to negative 6.

A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to negative 2.

A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to 2.

The best number line that shows how to solve −4 − (−6) would be the third option: A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to negative 2.

This number line accurately represents subtracting a negative number from a negative number which results in a positive number. Starting at 0, we move to the left 4 units to -4, and then we continue to move to the left 2 units to reach -6, which is the result of the subtraction.

The correct answer is:

A number line from negative 10 to 10 is shown, with numbers labeled at intervals of 2. An arrow is shown from point 0 to negative 4. Another arrow points from negative 4 to negative 2.

To solve the expression -4 - (-6), you can use a number line to help visualize the process.

First, let's understand what "subtracting a negative" means. When you have a subtraction expression with a negative number inside parentheses, like -(-6), you can rewrite it as addition. So, -(-6) is the same as -4 + 6.

Now, let's follow the steps using the options provided:

A) An arrow is shown from point 0 to -4. Another arrow points from -4 to 6.
This means we start at 0 and move left to -4, and then we move right to 6.

B) An arrow is shown from point 0 to -4. Another arrow points from -4 to -6.
This means we start at 0 and move left to -4. However, the second arrow points to -6, not 6.

C) An arrow is shown from point 0 to -4. Another arrow points from -4 to -2.
This means we start at 0 and move left to -4. However, the second arrow points to -2, not 6.

D) An arrow is shown from point 0 to -4. Another arrow points from -4 to 2.
This means we start at 0 and move left to -4. However, the second arrow points to 2, not -6.

Based on the options provided, option A is the best choice. Therefore, the number line that best shows how to solve -4 - (-6) is the one where an arrow is shown from point 0 to -4, and another arrow points from -4 to 6.