At what point is it best for a reader to begin asking questions about a text?(1 point) Responses after looking at the title and headings before reading after looking at the title and headings before reading after beginning to read the introductory paragraphs after beginning to read the introductory paragraphs immediately after the completion of reading immediately after the completion of reading after taking some time once reading is completed

The best point for a reader to begin asking questions about a text is after beginning to read the introductory paragraphs.

The best point for a reader to begin asking questions about a text is after looking at the title and headings before reading.

The best point for a reader to begin asking questions about a text is after looking at the title and headings before reading. By doing this, the reader can gain an initial understanding of what the text is about and what to expect. Analyzing the title and headings can provide valuable clues and context that can help the reader form relevant questions. This pre-reading strategy allows the reader to actively engage with the text and generate inquiries before diving into the content. Consequently, these questions can guide the reader's comprehension throughout the reading process and assist them in actively seeking answers while reading.