Which sentence is the best example of writing that uses formal English?

It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school.
It is really great to give Mrs. Philips the School Leadership Award because nobody does more for the school than she does!
I am so excited to give this award to the best teacher ever!
It's awesome for me to give the School Leadership Award to someone as cool as Mrs. P.

A. It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school.

The best example of a sentence that uses formal English is A. "It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school."

The best example of writing that uses formal English would be sentence A:

"It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school."

To determine which sentence uses formal English, we need to look for characteristics such as proper grammar, specific vocabulary, and an appropriate tone. Sentence A demonstrates these qualities by using formal language, expressing respect and honor, and presenting the information in a professional manner.

To identify the best example, you can analyze each option and look for characteristics of formal English. In this case, sentences B, C, and D use informal language, slang, and a more casual tone, while sentence A maintains a formal tone and proper grammar.