Use the paragraph to answer the question. I was feeling frantic and almost feverish as I combed Bonnie’s hair and added the ribbon to her tail. The smell of hay and the mewling sound of other calves was all around us. Bonnie turned her head to look at me, as if to say, “What in the world are we doing at the fairgrounds?” There was no way that she knew what was happening; but, for me, this was the culmination of several months of work. If Bonnie returned home without a prize, then she would go back to her comfortable life on the farm, but I would be heartbroken. Which option describes the context of the paragraph? (1 point) Responses The narrator is competing against Bonnie in a competition at the fair. The narrator is competing against Bonnie in a competition at the fair. The narrator is worried that Bonnie is not having a good time at the fair. The narrator is worried that Bonnie is not having a good time at the fair. The narrator is at the fair and wants to buy a ribbon. The narrator is at the fair and wants to buy a ribbon. The narrator is at the fair and wants to win a prize. The narrator is at the fair and wants to win a prize

The option that describes the context of the paragraph is: The narrator is at the fair and wants to win a prize.

The correct option that describes the context of the paragraph is: The narrator is competing against Bonnie in a competition at the fair.

The context of the paragraph is that the narrator is at the fair and wants to win a prize. The narrator is feeling frantic and feverish as they prepare Bonnie, presumably a calf, for a competition at the fair. The mention of adding a ribbon to Bonnie's tail implies that winning a prize is the goal. The paragraph also expresses the narrator's fear that Bonnie may not win a prize, and their subsequent heartbreak if that were to happen. Therefore, the correct option is: The narrator is at the fair and wants to win a prize.