which of the following are tanglble features important to include in development of a service

because services are in an example of a speciality goods
because customers cant try many services before buying
because they provide storage space for services
because service are mainly tangible

The first and last statement's reasons are important to include in the development of a service:

1. Because services are an example of specialty goods.
This statement emphasizes the importance of developing tangible features for services because they are considered specialized or high-quality goods. Tangible features can help create unique selling points and differentiate the service from competitors.

2. Because services are mainly tangible.
This statement highlights the fact that services, despite being intangible in nature, can still benefit from the inclusion of tangible features. These tangible features can enhance the overall service experience, add value, and improve customer satisfaction.

Based on your question, it seems like you are asking about the tangible features that are important to include in the development of a service. Here are some potential tangible features that may be important to include:

1. Physical Facilities: The physical infrastructure or location where the service will be provided can be a tangible feature. This includes elements like the building, office space, equipment, and fixtures.

2. Equipment and Tools: Depending on the type of service being offered, specific equipment or tools may be necessary. For example, a hair salon would require hairstyling tools, while a fitness center would need exercise machines and weights.

3. Packaging and Branding: Tangible elements like packaging and branding materials can be important for creating a distinct identity for the service. This includes items such as product packaging or uniforms for service staff.

4. Service Documentation: Tangible features can also include any documentation related to the service. This might include service manuals, user guides, or warranties.

5. Physical Samples or Demonstrations: In some cases, providing physical samples or demonstrations can be an important tangible feature. This allows potential customers to experience the service before committing to it.

It is important to note that while these tangible features can enhance the delivery of services, services are primarily intangible in nature as they involve actions, tasks, or performances rather than physical products.

When it comes to the development of a service, it is important to include tangible features that can be easily observed or experienced by the customers. While services are generally intangible in nature, incorporating tangible elements can improve customer satisfaction and make the service more appealing. Here are some reasons why tangible features are important in service development:

1. Speciality Goods Example: Tangible features are important in the development of services because services can be categorized as speciality goods. Speciality goods are products or services that are unique, rare, or possess some distinctive characteristics, making them different from ordinary goods. Including tangible features in a service can enhance its uniqueness and value proposition.

2. Limited Trial Opportunities: Unlike physical products, customers may not have the opportunity to try out or test services extensively before making a purchase decision. Tangible features can provide customers with a better understanding of what to expect from the service, increasing their confidence in making a purchase.

3. Storage Space: Tangible features can also include storage space for services. For example, if the service involves delivering physical products or requires physical equipment, providing storage facilities can ensure efficient service delivery and customer convenience.

4. Enhancing Perceived Value: While services themselves are intangible, incorporating tangible elements, such as physical materials, equipment, or branded merchandise, can enhance the perceived value of the service. Tangible features can create a more concrete and memorable experience for customers, reinforcing positive associations with the service.

To identify specific tangible features to include in the development of a service, consider the unique characteristics of the service, customer preferences, and the overall service concept. Conducting market research, gathering customer feedback, and utilizing prototypes or mock-ups can help in identifying the most suitable tangible features to incorporate into the service.