Which processes occurs when rocks, stones, sand, and mud are laid down on Earth’s surface?(1 point) Responses Erosion Erosion physical weathering physical weathering chemical weathering chemical weathering deposition


When rocks, stones, sand, and mud are laid down on Earth's surface, the process that occurs is called deposition.

The process that occurs when rocks, stones, sand, and mud are laid down on Earth's surface is called deposition. Deposition is a geological process by which sediments, such as those you mentioned, are transported and then settle or accumulate on the Earth's surface or the bottom of a body of water. There are various ways in which deposition can occur, such as through the action of wind, water, ice, or gravity.

To get the answer, you can refer to a basic understanding of geology and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. You can also use online resources, such as textbooks or educational websites specifically focused on geology or earth sciences. These sources will provide detailed information on deposition and its role in the formation of different landforms.