Birds use courtship behaviors to attract a mate, which improves their reproductive success. Which courtship behavior also improves their chances of survival?(1 point) Responses Male sage grouse, normally camouflaged by their dull coloring, dance and call out in the open to attract nearby females. Male sage grouse, normally camouflaged by their dull coloring, dance and call out in the open to attract nearby females. Male mockingbirds can sing 200 different songs, mocking sounds around them in order to attract females and defend their territory. Male mockingbirds can sing 200 different songs, mocking sounds around them in order to attract females and defend their territory. Male golden eagles dive at nearly 200 miles per hour and catch sticks in midair as an elaborate courtship and territorial display. Male golden eagles dive at nearly 200 miles per hour and catch sticks in midair as an elaborate courtship and territorial display. Male birds with bright colors have to preen frequently in order to maintain their feathers and keep pests away so they can attract mates.

Male golden eagles dive at nearly 200 miles per hour and catch sticks in midair as an elaborate courtship and territorial display. This courtship behavior also improves their chances of survival as it demonstrates their physical prowess and ability to catch prey, which can secure food resources and establish dominance in their territory.

Which statement is true?(1 point) Responses Ladybugs have only a few offspring, while humans have many. Ladybugs have only a few offspring, while humans have many. Humans expend energy and time to care for offspring, while ladybugs do not. Humans expend energy and time to care for offspring, while ladybugs do not. Both ladybugs and humans expend energy and time to care for their offspring. Both ladybugs and humans expend energy and time to care for their offspring. Both ladybugs and humans have only a few offspring.

Both ladybugs and humans expend energy and time to care for their offspring.

Which of the following is the overall goal of all territorial behavior?(1 point) Responses to impress mates in order to reproduce to impress mates in order to reproduce to gain resources to increase success to gain resources to increase success to maintain access to a particular type of environment to maintain access to a particular type of environment to defend food sources for personal use

The overall goal of all territorial behavior is to maintain access to a particular type of environment.

The courtship behavior that improves the chances of survival in birds is the behavior of male birds with bright colors preening frequently to maintain their feathers and keep pests away. Preening helps birds to keep their feathers in optimal condition, which is important for their overall health and survival. Additionally, by keeping pests away, birds can avoid the negative effects of parasites on their well-being. So, this courtship behavior not only enhances their attractiveness to potential mates but also contributes to their long-term survival.

The courtship behavior that also improves the chances of survival for birds is the behavior exhibited by male birds with bright colors who have to preen frequently to maintain their feathers and keep pests away. Preening is when birds clean and maintain their feathers by using their beak to remove dirt, parasites, and excess oil. This behavior is essential for their survival because maintaining clean and healthy feathers helps them to fly efficiently, stay insulated, and remain agile. Any pests or parasites on their feathers could cause discomfort, disease, or impair their ability to fly effectively. Additionally, having bright feathers is an indication of health and vitality, which can attract potential mates. So, by engaging in preening, male birds with bright colors improve their chances of survival by maintaining their physical condition and increasing their attractiveness to potential mates.