Which of the following Puerto Rican scientists is the Chief of Space Medicine and Health Care Systems at NASA's Johnson

Space Center in Texas?

• Nitza Margarita Cintron
• Olga D. González-Sanabria
O Antonia Coello Novello

The correct answer is Olga D. González-Sanabria.

The Puerto Rican scientist who is the Chief of Space Medicine and Health Care Systems at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Texas is Olga D. González-Sanabria.

To find out which of the following Puerto Rican scientists is the Chief of Space Medicine and Health Care Systems at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Texas, we can conduct a search for each scientist.

- Nitza Margarita Cintron: Start by searching for Nitza Margarita Cintron and look for any information or affiliations with NASA or the Johnson Space Center.

- Olga D. González-Sanabria: Next, search for Olga D. González-Sanabria and investigate any connections to NASA or the Johnson Space Center.

- Antonia Coello Novello: Finally, search for Antonia Coello Novello and see if there are any indications of her being the Chief of Space Medicine and Health Care Systems at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Texas.

By conducting these separate searches, we can determine which scientist holds the mentioned position.