The graph below illustrates the growth curves for two types of bacteria, A and B, as the pH of their surrounding mediums change.

Which Bacteria A and B or both, grow best at a pH 8?

Bacteria B
Bacteria A and B
Bacteria A
Neither Bacteria A and B can survive a pH of 8


To determine which bacteria grows best at a pH of 8 based on the graph, we need to observe the highest point on the growth curves.

By analyzing the graph, it can be seen that both bacteria A and B have a peak at pH 8, indicating that both bacteria grow best at this pH.

Therefore, the correct answer is: b) Bacteria A and B.

To determine which bacteria grow best at a pH of 8 based on the graph, we need to observe the growth curves for bacteria A and B as the pH changes.

Step 1: Locate the pH value of 8 on the X-axis of the graph.

Step 2: Follow the corresponding vertical lines from the pH value of 8 until they intersect with the growth curves of bacteria A and B.

Step 3: Compare the positions of the intersections to determine which bacteria have higher growth values at pH 8.

If the growth curve of bacteria A intersects at a higher point on the Y-axis compared to the growth curve of bacteria B, then bacteria A grows better at pH 8. Alternatively, if the growth curve of bacteria B intersects at a higher point on the Y-axis compared to the growth curve of bacteria A, then bacteria B grows better at pH 8.

If both growth curves intersect at the same point on the Y-axis at pH 8, then it means that both bacteria A and B grow equally well at a pH of 8.

On the other hand, if both growth curves do not intersect at any point on the Y-axis at pH 8, it indicates that neither bacteria A nor B can survive at a pH of 8.

Based on the options provided, the correct answer is option b: Bacteria A and B grow best at a pH of 8.