which word best describes the tone of this poem

two frogs in a pond
chillin on a lily pad
suddenly,one croaked



Based on the provided poem, the tone can be described as playful.

To determine the tone of a poem, we typically look at the words, phrases, and images used by the poet. In this case, we will analyze the poem you provided to identify the tone.

First, let's break down the poem:

"Two frogs in a pond,
Chillin on a lily pad,
Suddenly, one croaked."

From the poem, we can observe that there is a lighthearted and whimsical atmosphere. The word choice and the playful nature of the poem's elements create a sense of amusement. The frogs are "chillin" on a lily pad, which indicates relaxation and a carefree attitude. The sudden "croak" adds an element of surprise, but it does not carry a morbid or tense essence.

Therefore, the word that best describes the tone of this poem is "playful."