A researcher compared the heights and shoe sizes for 50 men, selected at random. The equation shown describes a line of the best fit for the data where x is the shoe size and y is the height, in inches. y = 1.6x + 48

A. 7 1/2
B. 10 1/2
C. 12
D. 14

Based on the given equation y = 1.6x + 48, we can determine the slope of the line, which is 1.6. Since the slope represents the change in y for every 1 unit change in x, we can say that for every 1 unit increase in shoe size (x), the height (y) will increase by 1.6 inches.

Now, let's look at the answer choices:
A. 7 1/2
B. 10 1/2
C. 12
D. 14

If the shoe size is 7 1/2, we can plug it into the equation:
y = 1.6(7.5) + 48
y = 12 + 48
y = 60

So, if the shoe size is 7 1/2, the predicted height is 60 inches.

If the shoe size is 10 1/2, we can plug it into the equation:
y = 1.6(10.5) + 48
y = 16.8 + 48
y = 64.8

So, if the shoe size is 10 1/2, the predicted height is 64.8 inches.

If the shoe size is 12, we can plug it into the equation:
y = 1.6(12) + 48
y = 19.2 + 48
y = 67.2

So, if the shoe size is 12, the predicted height is 67.2 inches.

If the shoe size is 14, we can plug it into the equation:
y = 1.6(14) + 48
y = 22.4 + 48
y = 70.4

So, if the shoe size is 14, the predicted height is 70.4 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. 14

To determine the height of a man with a shoe size of 10 1/2, we can substitute the shoe size value (10 1/2) into the equation y = 1.6x + 48 and solve for y.

Given: x = 10 1/2

Substituting x = 10 1/2 into the equation, we have:

y = 1.6(10 1/2) + 48

First, we need to convert the shoe size 10 1/2 into decimal form. To do this, we can convert the fraction 1/2 into decimal form:

1/2 = 0.5

Now, we can substitute the decimal value of the shoe size into the equation:

y = 1.6(10.5) + 48

Next, we can calculate the multiplication:

y = 16.8 + 48

y = 64.8

Therefore, a man with a shoe size of 10 1/2 would have a height of approximately 64.8 inches.

The answer is not available in the given options, so it would be either not provided or there may be a mistake in the given options.

To determine the shoe size that corresponds to a certain height according to the given equation (y = 1.6x + 48), we need to rearrange the equation to solve for x (shoe size).

The equation is: y = 1.6x + 48

Let's plug in the height value (y) for the options provided to find the corresponding shoe size (x):
A. For 7 1/2, y = 7.5
7.5 = 1.6x + 48

B. For 10 1/2, y = 10.5
10.5 = 1.6x + 48

C. For 12, y = 12
12 = 1.6x + 48

D. For 14, y = 14
14 = 1.6x + 48

Now we can solve for x (shoe size) in each case.

A. 7.5 = 1.6x + 48
Subtract 48 from both sides:
-40.5 = 1.6x
Divide by 1.6:
x ≈ -25.31

B. 10.5 = 1.6x + 48
Subtract 48 from both sides:
-37.5 = 1.6x
Divide by 1.6:
x ≈ -23.44

C. 12 = 1.6x + 48
Subtract 48 from both sides:
-36 = 1.6x
Divide by 1.6:
x ≈ -22.50

D. 14 = 1.6x + 48
Subtract 48 from both sides:
-34 = 1.6x
Divide by 1.6:
x ≈ -21.25

Therefore, none of the given shoe sizes match any of the provided heights.