Billy’s movie club charges a membership fee of $2 plus $1.50 per rental, while Suzie’s movie club has no membership fee but charges $2 per rental. Billy and Suzie find that they each rented the same number of movies last month. Find x, the number of movies each person rented.

Let x be the number of movies rented by each person.

Billy's total cost for renting x movies is $2 + $1.50x.
Suzie's total cost for renting x movies is $2x.
Since Billy and Suzie rented the same number of movies, their total costs should be the same.
Therefore, we have the equation: $2 + $1.50x = $2x.
Simplifying the equation, we get: $2 + $1.50x - $2x = 0.
Combining like terms, we get: $0.50x = $2.
Finally, dividing both sides of the equation by $0.50, we get the solution: x = $2 / $0.50 = 4.
Therefore, each person rented 4 movies last month. Answer: \boxed{4}.

Let's assume that both Billy and Suzie rented 'x' number of movies last month.

Billy's total cost can be calculated by adding the membership fee and the cost per rental:
Total cost for Billy = Membership fee + (Cost per rental x Number of movies)
Total cost for Billy = $2 + ($1.50 x x)
Total cost for Billy = $2 + $1.50x

Suzie's total cost can be calculated by multiplying the cost per rental and the number of movies:
Total cost for Suzie = Cost per rental x Number of movies
Total cost for Suzie = $2 x x
Total cost for Suzie = $2x

Since both Billy and Suzie rented the same number of movies and their total costs are equal, we can set up the following equation:

$2 + $1.50x = $2x

Let's solve for x:

$2 + $1.50x = $2x
$2x - $1.50x = $2
$0.50x = $2
x = $2 / $0.50
x = 4

Therefore, each person rented 4 movies last month.

To solve this problem, let's use the information provided about the membership fees and rental charges for Billy's and Suzie's movie clubs.

Let x represent the number of movies rented by both Billy and Suzie.

Billy's total cost can be calculated using the formula:
Total cost for Billy = Membership fee + (Rental charge per movie * Number of movies rented)
Total cost for Billy = $2 + ($1.50 * x)

Suzie's total cost can be calculated using the formula:
Total cost for Suzie = Rental charge per movie * Number of movies rented
Total cost for Suzie = $2 * x

Since both Billy and Suzie rented the same number of movies last month, their total costs should be equal.

Set up an equation to solve for x:
$2 + ($1.50 * x) = $2 * x

Now, solve the equation:

$2 + ($1.50 * x) = $2 * x
$2 + $1.50x = $2x

First, distribute $2 across ($2 * x):
$2 + $1.50x = $2x
$2 + $1.50x - $2x = 0
$2 - $0.50x = 0

Now, isolate the term with x:
-$0.50x = -$2
x = (-$2) / (-$0.50)
x = 4

Therefore, both Billy and Suzie rented 4 movies each last month.