“The larger of two numbers is seven less than three times the smaller number. If the sum of the numbers is 61. Find the equation.” No spaces in the equation


Let's denote the smaller number as x and the larger number as y.

According to the problem, the larger number is seven less than three times the smaller number:
y = 3x - 7
The sum of the numbers is 61:
x + y = 61
Combining these equations, we have the following equation:
x + (3x - 7) = 61

Let's assume the smaller number as x and the larger number as y.

According to the given information, the larger number (y) is seven less than three times the smaller number (x). This can be written as:

y = 3x - 7

Also, it is given that the sum of the numbers (x + y) is 61:

x + y = 61

Therefore, the equation is:

y = 3x - 7
x + y = 61

To solve this problem, let's start by assigning variables to the unknown numbers. Let's call the larger number "x" and the smaller number "y."

According to the given information, the larger number (x) is seven less than three times the smaller number (y). This can be written as:

x = 3y - 7 (Equation 1)

Additionally, the sum of the numbers is 61. This can be written as:

x + y = 61 (Equation 2)

Now, let's represent Equation 1 without any spaces:

x = 3y - 7

And Equation 2 without any spaces:

x + y = 61

So, the equation is: x=3y-7;x+y=61