How can you make sure a picture won't be shared publicly online? (2 points)

• Only share it over direct message
• Only share it with friends you know
•Only share it in person
• Only send it over email

The two points to consider in order to ensure a picture won't be shared publicly online are:

1. Only share it over direct message: By using private messaging platforms or applications, you can send the picture directly to a specific person or group without making it accessible to the public. Social media platforms often offer direct messaging features that enable you to send pictures privately.

2. Only share it with friends you know: Be cautious and selective about who you share the picture with. Limit the distribution of the picture to trustworthy individuals whom you personally know and have a genuine relationship with. It reduces the risk of the picture being shared publicly without your consent.

While the other options, such as sharing it in person or sending it over email, can also provide some level of privacy, they don't guarantee that the picture won't be shared online.

To ensure a picture won't be shared publicly online, you can follow these steps:

1. Only share it over direct message: Choose private messaging platforms or apps that allow you to send the picture directly to a specific recipient. This way, the picture remains within a closed communication channel.

2. Only share it with friends you know: Restrict the sharing of the picture to individuals you trust, such as close friends or family members. This reduces the risk of the picture being shared without your consent.

It is important to note that while these steps can help protect your picture from being shared publicly, there is still a possibility of it being shared beyond your control. Consider the nature of the platform, app, or service you are using, as well as the level of privacy and security it offers.

To ensure that a picture won't be shared publicly online, here are four measures you can take:

1. Only share it over direct message: Many messaging platforms allow you to send photos privately to specific individuals. By using direct messaging features, you can ensure that the picture remains between you and the recipient without the risk of it being shared publicly.

2. Only share it with friends you know: Limit your picture-sharing to a trusted circle of friends whom you know personally. This reduces the risk of encountering individuals who may misuse or share the picture without your consent.

3. Only share it in person: If privacy is of utmost importance, consider showing the picture to others in person. By physically displaying the photo on your device or a printed copy, you have control over who sees it and can prevent it from being shared online.

4. Only send it over email: Email communication allows for more secure and private image sharing. By sending the picture as an attachment in an email, you can control who receives it and lessen the chances of unauthorized sharing. Additionally, you can use encryption or password protection for further security.

Implementing one or a combination of these strategies can significantly reduce the risk of your picture being shared publicly online. However, remember to use your discretion and assess the trustworthiness of the recipient before sharing any sensitive or private content.