Simplify 5(7x - 2) - 14x + 4

To simplify the expression 5(7x - 2) - 14x + 4, we can start by distributing the 5 to the terms inside the parentheses:

5 * 7x = 35x
5 * -2 = -10

So, the expression becomes:

35x - 10 - 14x + 4

Next, combine like terms:

(35x - 14x) + (-10 + 4) = 21x - 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 21x - 6.

Simplify 17d - 33 +9(2d+6)-11

To simplify the expression 17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11, we can start by multiplying 9 with the terms inside the parentheses:

9(2d) = 18d
9(6) = 54

So, the expression becomes:

17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11

Next, combine like terms:

(17d + 18d) + (-33 + 54 - 11) = 35d + 10

Therefore, the simplified expression is 35d + 10.

Simplify 6(3q-4)+18-12q-7(4q+5)

To simplify the given expression, we can start by distributing the coefficients to the terms inside the parentheses:

6 * 3q = 18q
6 * -4 = -24

-7 * 4q = -28q
-7 * 5 = -35

So, the given expression becomes:

18q - 24 + 18 - 12q - 28q - 35

Next, combine like terms:

(18q - 12q - 28q) + (-24 + 18 - 35) = -22q - 41

Therefore, the simplified expression is -22q - 41.

Simplify -5 + 3/4(8h+12)-10h

To simplify the expression -5 + 3/4(8h + 12) - 10h, we can start by multiplying 3/4 to the terms inside the parentheses:

(3/4)(8h) = (3/4)(8)h = 6h
(3/4)(12) = (3/4)(3)(4) = 9

So, the expression becomes:

-5 + 6h + 9 - 10h

Next, combine like terms:

(6h - 10h) + (-5 + 9) = -4h + 4

Therefore, the simplified expression is -4h + 4.

Factor 24n - 32 using the gcf

To factor the expression 24n - 32 using the greatest common factor (GCF), we need to find the largest number that divides evenly into both 24n and 32.

The GCF of 24 and 32 is 8, since both numbers are divisible by 8.

We can rewrite 24n - 32 as follows:

24n - 32 = 8(3n - 4)

So, the factored form of 24n - 32 using the GCF is 8(3n - 4).

To simplify the expression, we can follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS) and distribute the 5 to the terms inside the parentheses:

5(7x - 2) - 14x + 4

= 35x - 10 - 14x + 4

Next, we can combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of the same variable:

= (35x - 14x) + (-10 + 4)

Simplifying further:

= 21x - 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 21x - 6.