what property is 2=M/5

A Reflexive Property
B Proved
C Multiplication Property"
D Subtraction Property
E Division Property
F Addition Property
G Symmetric Property

E Division Property

To determine which property is represented by the equation 2 = M/5, let's analyze each option:

A. Reflexive Property: The reflexive property states that any quantity is equal to itself. However, this equation does not show the reflexive property because 2 and M/5 are not equivalent.

B. Proved: This option does not represent a property.

C. Multiplication Property: The multiplication property states that if two quantities are equal, then you can multiply both sides of the equation by the same number. Although we could get an equivalent equation by multiplying both sides of 2 = M/5 by 5, resulting in 10 = M, this is not the property being illustrated.

D. Subtraction Property: The subtraction property states that if two quantities are equal, then you can subtract the same number from both sides of the equation. This property is not represented in the equation.

E. Division Property: The division property states that if two quantities are equal, then you can divide both sides of the equation by the same number (except for 0). Since the equation 2 = M/5 involves dividing both sides by 5, this is the correct property.

F. Addition Property: The addition property states that if two quantities are equal, then you can add the same number to both sides of the equation. This property is not shown in the equation.

G. Symmetric Property: The symmetric property states that if a = b, then b = a. This property is not demonstrated here.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

E. Division Property

To determine which property is being used in the equation 2 = M/5, we need to analyze the equation and identify any mathematical operations that have been applied.

In this equation, we can see that the division operation has been used, where 2 is divided by 5 to obtain M.

The correct answer is the "Division Property" (Option E). This property allows us to isolate a variable by dividing both sides of an equation by the same value. In this case, we divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for M.