what property is 10=m

A Reflexive Property
B Proved
C Multiplication Property"
D Subtraction Property
E Division Property
F Addition Property
G Symmetric Property

D Subtraction Property

The property that represents the equation 10 = m is the "Symmetric Property." The Symmetric Property states that if a = b, then b = a. In this case, the equation 10 = m can be rewritten as m = 10, which follows the Symmetric Property. Therefore, the correct answer is G, Symmetric Property.

To identify the property that relates to the equation 10 = m, we need to understand the properties of equations and algebraic expressions.

In this equation, the number 10 is equal to the variable m. To determine the property that applies, let's consider the given options:

A Reflexive Property: This property states that a quantity is always equal to itself. However, in this equation, we have different quantities (10 and m), so the reflexive property does not apply.

B Proved: "Proved" is not a property that relates to equations.

C Multiplication Property: The multiplication property states that if you multiply both sides of an equation by the same number, the equation remains true. However, there is no multiplication happening in the given equation, so this property does not apply.

D Subtraction Property: The subtraction property states that if you subtract the same number from both sides of an equation, the equation remains true. Again, there is no subtraction involved in this equation, so this property does not apply.

E Division Property: The division property states that if you divide both sides of an equation by the same number (except zero), the equation remains true. Once more, there is no division involved in this equation, so this property does not apply.

F Addition Property: The addition property states that if you add the same number to both sides of an equation, the equation remains true. In this equation, we have the number 10 equaling m, so no addition is needed. Thus, the addition property does not apply.

G Symmetric Property: The symmetric property states that if a = b, then b = a. In this equation, 10 is equal to m, which can be written as m = 10. So, applying the symmetric property, we can say that m = 10. Therefore, the symmetric property is the one that applies in this case.

In conclusion, the answer is:

G Symmetric Property