Simplify the expression. (h+12)+(p+24) (1 point) Responses hp+36 h p plus 36 h+p+36 h plus p plus 36 hp+288 h p plus 288 12h+24p

The expression simplifies to h + p + 36.

To simplify the expression (h+12)+(p+24), you can distribute the addition operation to both terms within the parentheses.

This simplifies the expression to h + 12 + p + 24.

Combining like terms, we have h + p + 36.

So, the simplified expression is h + p + 36.

To simplify the given expression, (h+12)+(p+24), we can start by removing the parentheses and combining like terms.

Step 1: Distribute the addition operation to all terms inside the parentheses:
(h + 12) + (p + 24) = h + 12 + p + 24

Step 2: Combine like terms:
h + p + 12 + 24 = h + p + 36

So, the simplified expression is h + p + 36.