The graph shows the solubility curve of an unknown substance.

Which BEST describes the solution at point C?




The correct answer is A. saturated.

At point C on the solubility curve, the concentration of the solute in the solution is at the maximum amount that can be dissolved at that temperature. No more solute can be dissolved, which makes the solution saturated.

To determine the solubility of the solution at point C on the solubility curve, we need to compare the concentration of the solution at that point with the maximum solubility indicated by the curve.

If the concentration at point C is below the solubility curve, then the solution is considered unsaturated because it can still dissolve more solute. Therefore, option C, "unsaturated," is the best description of the solution at point C.

If the concentration at point C is exactly on the solubility curve, then the solution is considered saturated because it has reached its maximum solubility. However, without more information or a more accurate reading of point C, we cannot definitively determine if it is saturated. Therefore, option A, "saturated," cannot be confirmed based solely on the graph.

Option B, "desaturated," is not a recognized term in the context of solubility.

Option D, "supersaturated," refers to a solution that contains more solute than it can normally dissolve at a given temperature. Without more information or a more accurate reading of point C, we cannot determine if it is supersaturated. Therefore, option D is not the best choice based solely on the graph.

So the best description of the solution at point C is option C, "unsaturated."

To determine the answer, we need to understand the meaning of the terms "saturated," "desaturated," "unsaturated," and "supersaturated" in relation to solubility.

A saturated solution is one in which the solvent has dissolved the maximum amount of solute at a given temperature. In other words, no more solute can be dissolved in the solution. If the amount of solute exceeds the maximum solubility, it will remain undissolved as a precipitate.

On the other hand, an unsaturated solution is one in which the solvent has not dissolved the maximum amount of solute at a given temperature. There is still room for more solute to be dissolved in the solution.

A desaturated solution is not a commonly used term in the context of solubility. However, it could be interpreted as a solution that has lost some of its solute, becoming less saturated. But since the graph only provides information about solubility at different temperatures and not about any change in concentration, it is not a suitable term to describe the solution.

A supersaturated solution is a solution that contains more dissolved solute than what could normally be dissolved at a given temperature. This can happen when a saturated solution is heated and then cooled slowly, allowing excess solute to remain dissolved instead of precipitating out.

Next, let's analyze the given solubility curve. Based on the graph, we can see that point C is located below the curve. This means that the solution at point C has not reached the maximum solubility at that specific temperature.

Considering all these factors, the BEST description for the solution at point C would be "unsaturated" because it has not yet reached the maximum solubility at that temperature. The correct answer is therefore option C.