Scientists often rely on _____ as evidence when looking at an animal’s reproductive success

Scientists often rely on data and observations as evidence when looking at an animal’s reproductive success. This includes gathering information on reproductive behaviors, mating patterns, mating success rates, offspring survival rates, and overall population growth. Additionally, scientists may collect and analyze genetic data to understand the reproductive success of individuals and populations.

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A student is analyzing data that compare the change in the total number of wading bird nests in the Everglades to the change in rainfall. Wading birds feed primarily on fish. Fewer nests were observed in dry years than wet years.

What is a reasonable inference about the relationship between wading bird reproductive success and water depth in the Everglades?

A reasonable inference about the relationship between wading bird reproductive success and water depth in the Everglades is that wading bird reproductive success is positively correlated with water depth. The fact that fewer nests were observed in dry years compared to wet years suggests that wading birds experience better reproductive success when there is higher rainfall and greater water depth in their habitat. This could be due to increased availability of fish, which are a primary food source for wading birds, or other factors associated with wetter conditions that support better breeding conditions for these birds.

Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food, but this does not affect wading birds’ reproductive success.

Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food, but this does not affect wading birds’ reproductive success.

Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food and thus affects wading birds’ reproductive success.
Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food and thus affects wading birds’ reproductive success.

Water depth does not affect wading birds’ access to food and thus does not affect wading birds’ reproductive success.
Water depth does not affect wading birds’ access to food and thus does not affect wading birds’ reproductive success.

Water depth does not affect wading birds’ access to food but does affect wading birds’ reproductive success.
Water depth does not affect wading birds’ access to food but does affect wading birds’ reproductive success.
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Of the given options, the most reasonable inference about the relationship between wading bird reproductive success and water depth in the Everglades would be:

"Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food and thus affects wading birds’ reproductive success."

Since wading birds primarily feed on fish, a higher water depth would provide better access to their food source. This availability of food could positively impact their reproductive success by providing the necessary nutrients for breeding and raising offspring. Therefore, an inference suggesting that water depth affects both their access to food and their reproductive success seems more reasonable.

what is the difference between how ants and elephants primarily use grouping for survival?

elephants use grouping for cooperation, and ants use grouping for protection of the young
elephants use grouping for better chance of mating, and ants use grouping for better access to food
ants use grouping for better chance of mating, and elephants use grouping for better access to food
ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for protection of the young

The difference between how ants and elephants primarily use grouping for survival is:

Ants use grouping primarily for cooperation. When ants form colonies, they work together in a highly organized manner, with specific roles and division of labor. This cooperation allows them to perform tasks such as foraging, nest building, and defense more efficiently, ultimately increasing their chances of survival.

Elephants, on the other hand, use grouping primarily for protection of the young. Elephants live in matriarchal herds, where older females, also known as the matriarchs, lead the group. The herd provides protection and support for the younger and more vulnerable members, including the calves. The group works together to defend against predators and share knowledge of food and water sources.

Therefore, the correct statement is: Ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for the protection of the young.

Flies are scavengers and tend to break down dead organisms. Based on this information, what is a plant characteristic that would best attract flies?

1 point)

flowers that emit a sweet odor
flowers that emit a sweet odor

flowers that are light colored
flowers that are light colored

flowers that are brightly colored
flowers that are brightly colored

flowers that emit a rotten odor
flowers that emit a rotten odor