In this experiment, a ball rolls down a hill and hits a cup at the bottom. The hypothesis predicted if a ball with higher mass is used, that ball's kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be %0D%0A as compared to the kinetic energy of the ball with the lower mass. The kinetic energy of each ball was used to %0D%0A. The data showed that the ball with lower mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of %0D%0A. The data showed that the ball with a higher mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of %0D%0A. This means using a ball with an increased mass will result in %0D%0A in kinetic energy. The hypothesis was %0D%0A.

In this experiment, a ball rolls down a hill and hits a cup at the bottom. The hypothesis predicted if a ball with higher mass is used, that ball's kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be greater compared to the kinetic energy of the ball with the lower mass. The kinetic energy of each ball was measured. The data showed that the ball with lower mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a shorter distance. The data showed that the ball with a higher mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a longer distance. This means using a ball with an increased mass will result in more kinetic energy. The hypothesis was supported.


In this experiment, the hypothesis predicted that if a ball with higher mass is used, that ball's kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be [compared to] the kinetic energy of the ball with lower mass.

The kinetic energy of each ball was used to [unknown].

The data showed that the ball with lower mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of [unknown].

The data showed that the ball with higher mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of [unknown].

This means using a ball with increased mass will result in [unknown] in kinetic energy.

The hypothesis was [unknown].

In this experiment, the hypothesis predicted that if a ball with higher mass is used, that ball's kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be [percentage]% as compared to the kinetic energy of the ball with the lower mass.

To test this hypothesis, the experiment involved rolling two different balls (one with lower mass and one with higher mass) down a hill and measuring the kinetic energy of each ball at the bottom of the hill.

The data from the experiment showed that the ball with lower mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of [result] and the ball with higher mass would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of [result].

Based on the data, we can conclude that using a ball with increased mass resulted in [outcome] in kinetic energy.

Finally, the statement "The hypothesis was [condition]" has been left incomplete and needs to be filled with the condition/result of the hypothesis (whether it was supported or not) based on the experimental data obtained.