A planetary nebula is the phase of a

neutron star late in its life.

planet before it becomes a star.

main sequence star late in its life.

protostar before it becomes a white dwarf.

D. protostar before it becomes a white dwarf.

C. main sequence star late in its life.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what a planetary nebula is and its formation process.

A planetary nebula is a type of emission nebula formed from the outer layers of a dying star. It occurs during the late stages of stellar evolution when a low to intermediate mass star (a main sequence star) exhausts its nuclear fuel and begins to shed its outer layers.

The correct answer is:

C. A main sequence star late in its life.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options:

A. A neutron star is a highly dense remnant of a massive star that has gone through a supernova explosion. Neutron stars do not form planetary nebulae.

B. Planets do not transform into stars. Stars are formed from the collapse of gas and dust in a nebula, while planets are formed through the accumulation of material within a protoplanetary disk.

D. A protostar is an early stage in the formation of a star, characterized by the accumulation of material and the beginning of nuclear fusion. It does not directly evolve into a white dwarf or form a planetary nebula.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. A main sequence star late in its life.