Which of the following is an effective first reaction to a problem?

(1 point)

asking questions to help you understand the problem
asking questions to help you understand the problem

deciding on a solution as quickly as possible
deciding on a solution as quickly as possible

finding someone else to handle the problem
finding someone else to handle the problem

removing yourself from the situation
removing yourself from the situation

asking questions to help you understand the problem

The effective first reaction to a problem is asking questions to help you understand the problem.

The effective first reaction to a problem is asking questions to help you understand the problem. To arrive at the correct answer above, you can analyze each possible response and eliminate the ones that are not appropriate.

- "Deciding on a solution as quickly as possible" might not be effective because making hasty decisions without understanding the problem can lead to ineffective solutions.

- "Finding someone else to handle the problem" might not be effective as the first reaction because it is important to first understand the problem oneself before delegating it to others.

- "Removing yourself from the situation" might not be effective as the first reaction because avoiding the problem does not address it directly and could lead to further complications.

Therefore, the only appropriate response is "Asking questions to help you understand the problem." This is an effective first reaction because it allows you to gather information, assess the situation, and develop a more informed and effective solution.