Which of the following best describes how the Bolsheviks rose to power?(1 point)


They organized demonstrations against the government.
They organized demonstrations against the government.

They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.
They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.

They used the cheka secret police to eliminate enemies.
They used the cheka secret police to eliminate enemies.

They refused to admit nonprofessional revolutionaries to their party.
They refused to admit nonprofessional revolutionaries to their party.

The correct answer is: They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.

The correct response is: They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.

The correct answer is: They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.

To determine the most appropriate response, let's break down each option and see if it accurately describes how the Bolsheviks rose to power:

1. They organized demonstrations against the government.
While demonstrations were indeed a crucial part of the Bolsheviks' activities, they alone did not enable them to rise to power. It was not solely through demonstrations that the Bolsheviks were able to take control of the government.

2. They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.
This answer accurately describes how the Bolsheviks rose to power. Following the abdication of the czar, the provisional government assumed power. However, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, challenged their authority and eventually overthrew them in the October Revolution, leading to their rise in power.

3. They used the Cheka secret police to eliminate enemies.
While the Bolsheviks did establish the Cheka secret police, it was primarily used to maintain their power and suppress opposition rather than directly contributing to their rise to power. Therefore, this option does not best describe how they came to power.

4. They refused to admit nonprofessional revolutionaries to their party.
While the Bolsheviks did establish a strict membership policy to maintain ideological purity within their party, it was not the primary factor behind their rise to power. This option focuses more on their internal party strategy rather than their journey to seize power.

In conclusion, the most appropriate response to describe how the Bolsheviks rose to power is: They took over the provisional government after the czar abdicated.