Why did Thomas Paine write the pamphlet common Sense to support conquering the native Americans to argue that Moreland should go to France and Spain to show that loyally to the monarchy was wrong to pledge his loyalty to the British government

Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" for multiple reasons, but none of them were specifically to argue for conquering Native Americans or to show that loyalty to the monarchy was wrong.

Paine wrote "Common Sense" to persuade the American colonists to break away from British rule and declare independence. The pamphlet was published in January 1776, at a time when many colonists were still undecided about their stance on the American Revolution. Paine aimed to sway public opinion and rally support for the idea of independence.

In "Common Sense," Paine presented arguments against the British monarchy and advocated for republican self-government. He criticized the idea of hereditary rule and argued that the American colonies would be better off governing themselves. Paine also addressed grievances against British rule, including trade restrictions and taxation without representation.

Paine's pamphlet became extremely influential and had a significant impact on public opinion. It helped to unite and energize the colonists, leading to more widespread support for independence.

I'm sorry, but there seems to be a confusion in your question. Thomas Paine did not write the pamphlet "Common Sense" to support conquering the Native Americans or argue for loyalty to the monarchy. Let me clarify:

1. Purpose of "Common Sense": Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" to advocate for American independence from Britain during the American Revolution. The pamphlet, published in 1776, aimed to persuade colonists to support the cause of revolution and challenge British authority.

2. Support for Native Americans: Paine did not specifically discuss conquering Native Americans in "Common Sense." However, he did criticize Britain's treatment of the American colonies, including their policy towards Native American tribes.

3. France and Spain: Paine did not address the issue of going to France and Spain in "Common Sense." However, he did highlight the potential benefits of foreign alliances for the American cause and encouraged seeking support from other nations, including France, which later provided crucial aid to the American revolutionaries.

4. Loyalty to the Monarchy: Paine's argument in "Common Sense" centered around the idea that loyalty to the British monarchy was misguided. He challenged the notion of a hereditary monarchy and argued for the establishment of a republican form of government in America, where power would be vested in the hands of the people.

In summary, Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" to advocate American independence, criticize British policies, and promote the idea of a republican government. His aims did not include supporting the conquest of Native Americans or discussing loyalty to the monarchy in relation to the British government.

I believe there is some confusion in your question. Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" to advocate for American independence from British rule, not to support the conquering of Native Americans or argue for going to France and Spain.

"Common Sense" was published on January 10, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. Its primary purpose was to persuade the American colonists that it was time to break away from British rule and establish an independent nation. Paine's pamphlet presented various arguments, highlighting the injustices of British monarchy and advocating for republican government instead.

Paine's central argument was that it was unreasonable for a small island nation like Great Britain to govern a vast continent like North America from afar. He believed that America had the potential to be a prosperous and self-governing nation. Paine's work became immensely popular and helped to shape public opinion in favor of independence.

If you have further questions about Thomas Paine or would like to know more about any specific aspect, feel free to ask!