Methane gas contains carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms in the ratio of 1:4 . A sample of methane gas contains 90 atoms. What value should be inserted into each rectangle? (1 point) The number should be inserted into each rectangle.

The ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms in methane is 1:4. This means that for every carbon atom, there are 4 hydrogen atoms.

Let's use x to represent the number of carbon atoms in the sample of methane gas.

Since the ratio is 1:4, the number of hydrogen atoms will be 4x.

The total number of atoms in the sample is given as 90.

So, we can set up the equation:
x + 4x = 90

Simplifying the equation, we get:
5x = 90

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:
x = 90/5 = 18

Therefore, the value to insert into the rectangle representing carbon atoms is 18, and the value to insert into the rectangle representing hydrogen atoms is 4x, which is 4*18 = 72.

To find the value that should be inserted into each rectangle, we need to determine the ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms in methane gas.

From the given information, the ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms is 1:4.

Let's denote the number of carbon atoms as 'x' and the number of hydrogen atoms as '4x'.

The total number of atoms in the sample of methane gas is 90.

Therefore, we can set up the equation as follows:

x + 4x = 90

Combining like terms:

5x = 90

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 90/5

x = 18

So, the value that should be inserted into each rectangle is 18.

To solve this problem, we need to determine the value that should be inserted into the rectangles to maintain the given ratio and satisfy the total number of atoms in the sample.

Given that the ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms in methane gas is 1:4, we can represent this as follows:

Carbon atoms: Hydrogen atoms = 1x:4x

Here, 'x' represents the multiplier for both the carbon and hydrogen atoms.

To find the value to be inserted into each rectangle, we need to solve the equation:

1x + 4x = 90

Combining similar terms gives:

5x = 90

To isolate 'x', we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

5x/5 = 90/5
x = 18

Now, we can substitute the value of 'x' into the equation to find the values to be inserted into the rectangles:

Carbon atoms = 1x = 1 * 18 = 18
Hydrogen atoms = 4x = 4 * 18 = 72

Therefore, the value to be inserted into each rectangle is 18 for carbon atoms and 72 for hydrogen atoms.