What is the geographical concept whereby areas are grouped together based on commonalities that could be related to physical or human geography? (1 point)



The geographical concept whereby areas are grouped together based on commonalities that could be related to physical or human geography is called regionalization.

The correct answer is Regionalization.

To arrive at this answer, we can look at the different options provided and determine which one is most closely related to the described geographical concept.

- Boundary: While boundaries are relevant in geography, they are primarily used to define the borders between different areas or territories, rather than grouping them based on commonalities.
- Globalization: Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and regions around the world. It does not involve grouping areas together based on commonalities.
- Location: Location is a fundamental concept in geography, but it does not directly address the idea of grouping areas based on commonalities.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is Regionalization. Regionalization is the process of grouping areas together based on common characteristics, which could be related to either physical geography (such as climate, landforms, or flora and fauna) or human geography (such as culture, language, economic activities, or political divisions).