How did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory help the United States avoid war with European powers? (1 point) Responses It removed British control of forts on the America side of the Great Lakes. It removed British control of forts on the America side of the Great Lakes. It resulted in peace between Great Britain and France. It resulted in peace between Great Britain and France. It forced Spain to give up territory in the United States. It forced Spain to give up territory in the United States. It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

The purchase of the Louisiana Territory helped the United States avoid war with European powers because it removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

The correct answer is "It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River." The purchase of the Louisiana Territory helped the United States avoid war with European powers by removing French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the historical context. In the early 1800s, France controlled the Louisiana Territory, which included the port city of New Orleans and the strategic Mississippi River. The United States, under President Thomas Jefferson, was concerned about French intentions in the region.

To avoid potential conflict with France, President Jefferson authorized negotiations with the French government to secure the purchase of New Orleans. However, to his surprise, France offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory, which encompassed a vast area of land west of the Mississippi River.

The purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803 effectively removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River. This was crucial because New Orleans and the Mississippi River were vital for American trade and westward expansion. By acquiring control over these strategic waterways, the United States secured its ability to transport goods and people to the western frontier without interference.

Additionally, this purchase also helped avoid war with European powers because it eliminated the potential for conflicts with France over control of the region. France, under Napoleon Bonaparte, was engaged in various military campaigns and was willing to sell the territory to raise funds for its war efforts.

In summary, the purchase of the Louisiana Territory removed French control over New Orleans and the Mississippi River, ensuring American access to these strategic assets. This acquisition helped the United States avoid war with European powers, particularly France, and facilitated westward expansion and trade.